Who is Ron L. Palmer?

That’s a good question.  Not a great question… but it’s good.

Decent, at least.

And since you took the time to check out my website, I’ll at least try to entertain you along the way.   You can watch my reels, check out some of my writing and see what I’ve produced along the way.   I like to stay busy, so when I’m not on set acting, I’m always creating.  Hopefully something here will amuse you.

So look around, click some links and see what I’ve done.   Everything from the absurdly prescient Ask Dr. Juli to the whimsical Mewsings of Maddy & Leia, a series of stories told by two feisty felines (and transcribed by me) is at your disposal.    There’s even a blog post about the time I scammed a scammer, responding with nothing but Seinfeld references.  It’s a lengthy read, but it’s fun!


Watch my Reel

This is What I Do!


See My Filmography


See My Writing


See What I Create

Hey, I wrote a book!

The Pawshank Purrdemption

Mewsings from the minds of Maddy & Leia, as transcribed by the Tall, Lumbering Human (that’s me!)

It makes a great gift!

Hey, I wrote a book!

The Pawshank Purrdemption

Mewsings from the minds of Maddy & Leia, as transcribed by the Tall, Lumbering Human (that’s me!)
It makes a great gift!

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More of Me Than You’ll Ever Need

From the Blog


Latest Mewsings


Six Scams and a Movie

June 28th, 2024|0 Comments

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A Scam About Nothing

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Cool Paw Leia

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It’s a Purrfect Life

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Purr Trek: The Next Meowneration

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