Time stood stationary.
As the lumbering human flung the discarded garment in her direction, Maddy reflected on her ill-fated decision to climb into the laundry basket. A poor choice, to be sure, but one she felt passionately about making.
Perhaps it was her need to explore the wicker which constituted the hamper’s chassis. Its rugged texture proved idyllic for scratching. She may also have concerned herself with the geometry of the domestic creel. Cylindrical mathematics was her forte. Regardless, the issue at hand was the castaway raiment hurtling straight at her.
Was it a halter top? Well-worn blue jeans? A lightly soiled undergarment? A heavily soiled one? This too, she needed to know.
On its descent, the flying textile glided over the bed and past a set of classic Scottish bagpipes. It landed smack dab on the inquisitive feline.
Curiosity had kilt the cat.
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