The Pawshank Purrdemption
The Pawshank Purrdemption is a collection of “mewsings” from the keen, intellectual minds of Maddy and Leia — two imaginative felines with a penchant for adventure. Dutifully transcribed by the Tall, Lumbering Human, these two cool kitties gleefully share their fantabulous exploits in their first-ever book. Superheroes today, mob bosses tomorrow — there’s no limit to what Maddy and Leia believe they can accomplish. All from the comfort of their own home.
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The Meowlight Zone
The Meowlight Zone is a new collection of “mewsings” from those fantasmagorical felines, Maddy and Leia. Once again these stories have been dutifully told to then painstakingly transcribed by Maddy and Leia’s faithful and subservient biped, the Tall, Lumbering Human. While Maddy’s crashing the Emmy Awards and trying her paw at politics, Leia is bringing about the apocalypse and steering the Titanic to disaster. And who knows what they’ll do tomorrow!