I believe it was legendary (and fictional) film producer Harold Hecuba who once said that if William Shakespeare were alive today, “I’d have him working on a full rewrite.” That’s what producers do, after all. They take someone’s brilliant, unimpeachable work of literary genius and churn it into something mainstream and profitable. If Hamlet were written today, there would be fewer soliloquies, more explosions and at least one nude scene for Ophelia.
Oh, and it would be called Hamlet v Claudius.
Fortunately, most producers aren’t of the Harold Hecuba mold. The majority of us are independent producers, tasked with developing a great concept, casting the right actors and making sure the entire project comes in right at or (preferably) under budget. And all that happens only after we raise the capital to get the project underway. That is, undoubtedly, the hardest part.
Producing a nightly newscast and producing a feature film are worlds apart, and I’ve had the good fortune to do both. I’m currently co-producing a feature film called The Vardøger, a supernatural thriller. I’ve also created and produced the popular web series Ask Dr. Juli and the comedic short film Pitching Jesus.
Another series, Cheffrey Jeffrey, is also in development and I’ve just finished writing another feature film called Detective Richard Small: Petty Crimes! I’m about the future with these projects. It’s gonna be fun!
If you’ve got an idea for a movie or series, I’d love to hear about it. If you’re an investor and want to finance a project, I’m happy to listen. A good producer recognizes fruitful opportunities and valuable partnerships. My eyes and ears are always open.
And who knows… we might just make the next Hamlet v Claudius!
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