Captain Maddy leaned forward in her chair, mesmerized at what she saw on the view screen. The Galaxy Class starship had encountered alien vessels before, but never one so… alluring.
“Valiance to Shuttlecraft One,” the venerable Captain bellowed over the two-way communicator. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
“Affirmative,” came the reply from Ensign Leia, a hotshot, new member of the Valiance crew. “I’m going in for a closer look.”
“Belay that,” barked the Captain. She had traveled the stars on more missions than she could count, and had learned to trust initial instincts. The cylindrical craft showed no outward signs of posing a threat, and that’s exactly why Maddy didn’t trust its sudden arrival.
“I see strange lettering on its hull,” the Ensign replied, either having not heard or ignored her captions order. “I can make it out. It says….”
The communication abruptly halted with Leia’s sentence trailing off into oblivion. There was a nervous pause before the Captain attempted to reestablish a connection.
“Shuttlecraft One, do you read me? Shuttlecraft One? Come in Shuttlecraft!”
Silence. Leia had ventured too close to the intoxicating craft. Her senses were overwhelmed by the aura which had enveloped her one-seater ship. Back on the mothership, Captain Maddy urgently voiced a new command.
“Commander Faceman, assemble an away team! We’re going aboard.”
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