Anticipating what many were calling The Trial of the Century, Judge Maddy stoically entered the courtroom and assumed her seat on the bench.  If she was nervous, she wasn’t showing it. She was a professional, after all, having trained under such notable judges as Purrgood Marshall, Ruth Bader Ginspurrg and Simon Prowl.  She was well prepared for this.

It was case number 23GDAO56745,  The People v Wiggles McFurrybottom.  The title was a bit of a misnomer, however, as the courtroom — from the bench to the gallery to the jurors box — was made up entirely of cats.

The defendant was escorted into the courtroom, his attorney flashing a slight Cheshire grin before standing to address the judge.

“My client,” the bespectacled Maine Coon stated matter of factly, “would like to enter a new plea.”

This was a shocking twist. Up til now, McFurrybottom had vehemently maintained his innocence.

“Very well,” Maddy replied as she read from the court documents. “You are charged with three counts of fawning over a human, three counts of deferring to a human’s judgment and one count of conspiring to acquire a human’s affection.  How do you plead?”

The defendant scanned the jurors, desperately seeking praise before entering his stunning one-word plea.


Gasps echoed through the courtroom as Maddy gaveled them to silence.

“Let the record show the defendant has pleaded guilty to all charges,” she pronounced as the clerk recorded the ruling.  “Court is adjourned”

It was a surreal turn of events.  And despite the old adage, not every dog will have his day.  Especially not in The Felines’ Court.